Malala: mommy and me book club


Teaching children about real-world events can be frightening. We want them to know that they are lucky to be able to go to school and learn, but it is difficult to express to them that there are parts of the world devastated by war and poverty, where not every child is guaranteed the right to an education. We don't need to completely shield children from the harsh realities of the world, but it's important to use age-appropriate images and stories so that children can begin to understand without becoming unduly horrified. 

Malala Yousafzai wrote her best-selling memoir after recovering from a gunshot wound in the head. She was attacked by the Taliban extremist terrorist organization for speaking out against their sexist education policies. Her memoir is a powerful, informative, and inspiring read for adults, but I recently discovered that she has written a children's book to tell her story in a gentle and hopeful way that will be inspiring and engaging for even the littles. 

This image of the taliban patrolling the village is the only image in the book that could be considered truly frightening

This image of the taliban patrolling the village is the only image in the book that could be considered truly frightening

"Do you believe in magic?" Malala's Magic Pencil, written by Malala Yousafzai and illustrated by the Kerascoet art team, begins by wishing for a magic pencil that can create beautiful things and erase negative things. Malala describes how proud she is to be able to study and how worried she is when she learns not all children are able to enjoy going to school. She wishes she had a magic pencil to create a better world. One day she stops wishing and starts writing. She writes about her life and speaks out against the dangerous men who are trying to prevent her from getting an education. 

malala silence.jpg

The children's book does not describe the attack which almost killed Malala. Perhaps when children are much older they can learn about the terrible violence and the long recovery that Malala had to endure. But for now it is enough to know that people tried to stop her, but they couldn't silence her. Now she is more powerful than ever, because when she speaks, people listen. 
The illustrations in this book are absolutely gorgeous, with just the right blend of magical whimsy and realism. I recommend this book as good reading for elementary aged children k-5, but also as an introduction to Malala's story for middle school children (grades 6 and 7) who may not be ready for all the scary details of her story. 
I also recommend getting both books, I am Malala and Malala's Magic Pencil. Let your child look at the picture book while you are reading the memoir. It's like a mommy and me book club!


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